What’s new ?

What’s new on the release 0.6rc1:

Optimizations and bug-fixes

Added many general optimizations and bug-fixes. The code is more pythonic and stable now.

Documentation, documentation and documentation

Added documentation about the new GP core, new features, changes were done to reflect API changes here and there, etc...

Function Slots - Functions now have weights

Added a new weight parameter to the add method of the FunctionSlot.FunctionSlot class. This parameter is used when you enable the random apply of the slot. See the class for more information.

Multiprocessing - the use of multiprocessign module

Added a new method to the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA class, the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setMultiProcessing() method. With this method you can enable the use of multiprocessing python module. When you enable this option, Pyevolve will check if you have more than one CPU core and if there is support to the multiprocessing use. You must see the warning on the GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setMultiProcessing() method.

Scaling Scheme - the Boltzmann scaling

Added the Boltzmann scaling scheme, this scheme uses a temperature which is reduced each generation by a small amount. As the temperature decreases, the difference spread between the high and low fitnesses increases. See the description on the Scaling.BoltzmannScaling() function.

Scaling Scheme - Exponential and Saturated scaling

Added the Exponential and Saturated scaling schemes, using the exponential function to calculate the fitness values. See more in Scaling.ExponentialScaling() and Scaling.SaturatedScaling().

Selectors - the alternative Tournament Selection

Added an alternative Tournament selection method, the Selectors.GTournamentAlternative(). This new Tournament Selector don’t uses the Roulette Wheel method to pick individuals.

Statistics - two new statistical measures

Added the fitTot and the rawTot parameters to the Statistics.Statistics class. See the class documentation for more information.

Elitism - replacement option

Added the method GSimpleGA.GSimpleGA.setElitismReplacement(). This method is used to set the number of individuals cloned on the elitism.

String representation - resumeString

Added the method resumeString to all native chromosomes. This method returns a small as possible string representation of the chromosome.

DB Adapter - XML RPC

Added a new DB Adapter to send Pyevolve statistics, the XML RPC, to see more information, access the docs of the DBAdapters.DBXMLRPC.

DB Adapters - OO redesigned

The DB Adapters were redesigned and now there is a super class for all DB Adapters, you can create your own DB Adapters subclassing the DBAdapters.DBBaseAdapter class.

The Network module - lan/wan networking

Added the Network module, this module is used to keep all the networking related classes, currently it contains the threaded UDP client/server.

The Migration module - distributed GA

Added the Migration module, this module is used to control the migration of the distributed GA.

The G2DBinaryString module - the 2D Binary String

Added the G2DBinaryString module. This module contains the 2D Binary String chromosome representation.

1D chromosomes - new base class

All the 1D choromsomes representation is now extending the GenomeBase.G1DBase base class.

Tree chromosome - new Tree representation chromosome

Added the module GTree, this module contains the new GTree.GTree chromosome representation and all tree related functions and the GTree.GTreeGP chromosome used by Genetic Programming.

VPython DB Adapter - real-time graph statistics

Added the new DBAdapters.DBVPythonGraph class, this DB Adapter uses the VPython to create real-time statistics graphs.

MySQL DB Adapter - dump statistics to MySQL

Added the new DBAdapters.DBMySQLAdapter class, this DB Adapter will dump statistics to a local or remote MySQL database.

Genetic Programming - Pyevolve now supports GP

Added new support for the Genetic Programming, you can check the examples with symbolic regression. The GTreeGP choromsome representation is used for the GP main tree.

Interactive mode - no more platform independent code

Code that was platform independent from the Interactive Mode was removed, so if you are unable to enter in the Interactive Mode using the ESC key, try using the method call to enter in the mode at a defined generation.


Added the Simple Inversion Mutation (Mutators.G1DListMutatorSIM()) for G1DList genome.

Added the Integer Range Mutation (Mutators.G2DListMutatorIntegerRange()) for the G2DList genome.

Added the Binary String Swap Mutator (Mutators.G2DListMutatorIntegerRange()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the Binary String Flip Mutator (Mutators.G2DBinaryStringMutatorFlip()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the GTree Swap Mutator (Mutators.GTreeMutatorSwap()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTree Integer Range Mutator (Mutators.GTreeMutatorIntegerRange()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTree Integer Gaussian Mutator (Mutators.GTreeMutatorIntegerGaussian()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTree Real Range Mutator (Mutators.GTreeMutatorRealRange()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTree Real Gaussian Mutator (Mutators.GTreeMutatorRealGaussian()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTreeGP Operation Mutator (Mutators.GTreeGPMutatorOperation()) for the GTreeGP genome.

Added the GTreeGP Subtree Mutator (Mutators.GTreeGPMutatorSubtree()) for the GTreeGP genome.


Added the Cut and Crossfill Crossover (Crossovers.G1DListCrossoverCutCrossfill()), used for permutations, for the G1DList genome.

Added the Uniform Crossover (Crossovers.G2DBinaryStringXUniform()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the Single Vert. Point Crossover (Crossovers.G2DBinaryStringXSingleVPoint()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the Single Horiz. Point Crossover (Crossovers.G2DBinaryStringXSingleHPoint()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the Single Point Crossover (Crossovers.GTreeCrossoverSinglePoint()) for the GTree genome.

Added the Single Point Strict Crossover (Crossovers.GTreeCrossoverSinglePointStrict()) for the GTree genome.

Added the Single Point Crossover (Crossovers.GTreeGPCrossoverSinglePoint()) for the GTreeGP genome.

Added the SBX Crossover (Crossovers.G1DListCrossoverRealSBX()) for G1DList genome, thanks to Amit Saha.

Added the Edge Recombination (Crossovers.G1DListCrossoverEdge()) for G1DList genome.


Added the Integer Initializator (Initializators.G2DBinaryStringInitializator()) for the G2DBinaryString genome.

Added the Integer Initializator (Initializators.GTreeInitializatorInteger()) for the GTree genome.

Added the Allele Initializator (Initializators.GTreeInitializatorAllele()) for the GTree genome.

Added the GTreeGP (Genetic Programming genome) Initializator (Initializators.GTreeGPInitializator()). It accept the methods: grow, full and ramped.

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