Welcome to Pyevolve documentation ! ================================================= .. image:: imgs/logo.png :align: center **Visit the project** `blog site `_ **and leave your comment.** "*I love fools experiments. I am always making them.*" \- **Charles R. Darwin** This is the documentation of the new Pyevolve release |release|. Since the version 0.4, Pyevolve has changed quite, many new features was added and **many** bugs was fixed, this documentation describes these changes, the new API and new features. Pyevolve was developed to be a *complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python*. See some plot screenshots on the :ref:`graphs_screens` section. You can download this documentation in `LaTeX `_. Contents -------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 intro getstarted modules graphs examples faq license contact Index ----------------------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` This documentation was updated on |today|.